You might have known I tend to splurge on accessories such as hand bags, but on a contrary, I love a bargain on clothing items. Especially, for the things I don’t normally reach for. One of those is a corset vest, which is fun to wear once a while, but I would not consider this a staple. Luckily, I ran across it in my thrift store visit lately. For a few dollars, it surely justifies my “need” list. Decided to go for a bit of formal and playful look in one by styling with my ruffle button down shirt and boy shorts.
Hope this inspire you one of the way putting a corset/vest to use.
Thanks for stopping by and wishing you a great week!
Vest: thrifted (alternatives: 1, and 2)
Shirt: Banana Republic (similar)
Shorts: Express
Bracelet: Alexander McQueen
Glasses: Gentle Monster (current style)
Bag: Florian London (similar HERE and HERE)
Shoes: Stuart Weitzman | for less HERE
Lip color: MUFE Artist Liquid Matt Lipstick 109 (love it!)